All licensed and unlicensed competitors with proper mountain cycling bicycles. For this race recreational, professional athletes, tourists and visitors and cyclists 14 years of age and above can participate. The trail is not suitable for younger ages. All competitors under 18 years old are required to bring a certified written statement issued by parents/guardians to consent participation in the race. Before receiving a “start” number, each competitor must sign a declaration of “renunciation of responsibility” of the organizers of the competition.
- Technical assistance and organization of the race (there will be transport for participants off the track due to injury, faulty bikes, etc.)
- Insurance CMRS’s (Croatian Rescue Mountain Service)
- Ambulance and police escort
- A map with a route race
- Lunch at the finish of the race
- Starting number
- Welcome drink at the start
- Refreshments at the pit stops
- A competition for the selection of the most beautiful photos and videos about the race
- Tasting and presentation of products from the island of Pag
- Prizes for the top three places in the women’s and men’s categories
Drivers/cyclists who sign the statement and start in the race adopt these regulations and drive/cycle at their own risk. The organizer shall not be liable for offenses committed by drivers to third parties. The organizer reserves the right to change the conditions of the recreational races without notice. Be sure to wear protective helmets because without that, performance will not be allowed. Minors can compete provided that the parent/guardian sign a certified written statement (which must be sent with the application form) to the effect that the parent/guardian agrees that the child can compete in the race at their own risk.
- Helmet
- Mobile phone (with charged batteries and the number you have listed on the application form!)
- Race map
We recommend a waterproof bag so that you can insert the “race map” and at least ½ liters of fluid.
Test equipment: the organizer can inspect your equipment at the start of the race.
In the case of a race delay on Sunday, 23.09.2018.,
due to bad weather conditions or other inability, there is no refund of the fee.
U slučaju otkazivanja utrke zbog loših vremenskih uvjeta ili drugih nemogućnosti, nema povrata kotizacije, no sudionici mogu preuzeti svoj startni paket.
Each competitor, by completing and submitting, the application directly agrees to compete in the race at their own risk (accompanied by CMRS, medical assistance and security police), and that he/she is familiar with the rules and regulations of the race and the possible risks that this competition has. By completing this application, the competitor confirms that his/her medical examination and the appropriate psycho-physical condition is appropriate for this kind of competition. By acknowledging and signing the statement, the competitor gives up the possibility of transferring responsibility to the organizers of the race or to third parties.